“ P i c k e t f e n c e s d e f i n i t e l y c o m p l e m e n t
c o t t a g e s t y l e , b u t t h e r e i s s u c h a t h i n g
a s t o o m a n y p i c k e t s . ”
Aside from trees, however, the property offered little structure.
So the couple added arbors, brick paths, and a white picket
fence-icons of cottage garden style. Additional structure was
gained with boxwood hedges, which they planted in many of the
flowerbeds. Though traditionally a mark of formal design, box-
woods blend well with the otherwise informal garden.
The Ekbergs never lost their passion for growing vegetables, and
the renovated garden offers many new areas in which to use them.
“I love the way edibles pull people into the garden,” says Marion.
“And it’s great fun to grab a handful of berries while weeding.”
Steve built a “popsicle
stick arbor,”
as a
gateway to the
rhododendron garden.
Purple-flowered allium,
stands out against
a white picket fence.
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